The regulation of the hunting season is a prerequisite for maintaining the population of animals and birds in the regions of Russia. Its violation entails heavy fines, up to revocation of the license and confiscation of weapons. Therefore, it is necessary to find out in advance what time it is possible to hunt in the fall of 2021. First, let's define the basic concepts.
hunting seasons
Experienced hunters plan game trips 3-4 months before official permission. Information about this is posted on the Internet resources of the departments of the Ministry of Natural Resources. It also determines the maximum allowable amount of prey for each type of animal, the cost of a license for the extraction of limited game.
It is important for a hunter to know such features for the autumn hunting season:
- The term is from mid-August to November inclusive.
- Temporary division according to certain types of animals. Mandatory compliance with the norms of permissible production.
- Timely payment of a license for limited species of animals. Its size varies from 2,000 rubles (boar of the year) to 50,000 rubles (roaring male elk).
Hunter Calendar
For each type of animal or bird, you need to prepare the appropriate equipment. The size, the permissible degree of damage, the volume of future production (number of units) are taken into account. For beginners, this is the main problem - improper preparation for the autumn season will cause failure.
You need to decide in advance on the type of production:
- Geese and ducks, upland bird. It can be hunted from August 20 to November 15.
- Badger. Time is limited from August 15 to October 31. In some regions, hunting may be prohibited.
- Wolf, fox, white hare. They can be accessed from September 15 to the end of February. For wolves, by special order, the season can be extended.
- Boars. From June 1 to the end of December. The exception is females with offspring and underyearlings. For them, the season opens from October 1.
- Field game and marsh-meadow. Hunting with a gun dog is allowed from August 5 to mid-November.
These are indicative dates, the exact time should be checked with the local offices of the Ministry of Natural Resources. You can also find out the permitted places for hunting there.
The best time for sport hunting with a gun dog. Features - you need a good orientation in the area, you need to walk a lot, know the habits of the bird. Special requirements for the skill of shooting. By the end of the season, birds become extremely shy and leave their homes at the slightest danger.
The beginning of the extraction of upland bird species: capercaillie, black grouse. The best time is mid-September. At this time, the birds are not yet so shy, willingly respond to bait, rarely change their place of overnight stay and feeding. It is also possible to shoot hazel grouse, although experienced hunters prefer larger trophies.
At the same time, the hunt for the hare begins. In popularity, it is comparable only to duck. The place of fishing is fields or territory near the forest. Due to the specifics of behavior and color in a dense thicket, it is problematic to find a hare.
The most desirable season for many miners begins - attacks on a bear are allowed. The best method is the arrangement of a storage shed. You must first purchase a license. Requirements - the correct calculation of the cartridge ( read about the equipment of cartridges here ), the choice of the optimal place. Bears are sensitive to foreign odors and are very cautious.
The permitted shooting of large animals also begins: wild boar, elk, deer. It is important to comply with the current regulations and the implementation of the rules. So, the extraction of a she-bear, which has cubs, is strictly prohibited.
In the final month of the autumn hunting season, battling of ungulates - elk, roe deer, and wild boar - will gain popularity. This is done when forming a snow cover for orientation in the area. It is important to prevent the appearance of a wounded animal that would have left the hunters. In the future, such an animal, especially a bear or a wild boar, will become a serious danger to people.
The video material shows an example of the correct production of game in compliance with the timing of the hunt.
Hello, I am Alexander, the mastermind behind the blog.
In terms of career and free time, I connected my life with the forest. How else, when you live in Karelia! In this blog, I am responsible for the hunting, hiking and equipment sections. Welcome to my world!