It doesn't matter how often you go camping - once a year or you can't imagine your life without trips to nature at all and do it regularly, you should take care of having a hiking first aid kit. From this article, you will learn how to properly assemble a first aid kit for a hike and what necessary medicines you will need to complete it. Alexander Hi, I'm Alexander, the mastermind behind the blog. Your ... Read more »
First aid
First aid for a tick bite: what to do and how to remove an insect, protection from it during hiking
During walks in nature, there is a danger of ticks getting on the skin. This insect sucks blood to create a nutrient medium for its future offspring. It is also a carrier of many diseases. Therefore, when an insect hits the skin, each person should know what to do with a tick bite, and be aware of the possible consequences of wrong actions. Alexander Hi, I'm Alexander, the mastermind behind the blog. Your life in terms of ... Read more »
What to do with a bee or wasp sting - first aid and advice for all cases
Neighborhood with most insects (unless, of course, they are in the house) does not cause us much trouble. But their individual representatives in some cases behave quite aggressively. For some, a bee or wasp sting is just a slight discomfort, while for others they are extremely painful, especially if it is not a single contact, but a massive attack of several individuals (swarm, family). AleksandrPrivet, I ... Read more »
What to do if you are bitten by a dog - first aid and practical advice
Aggression from four-legged friends is not a rare case. Moreover, not only a completely unfamiliar dog can attack (in the yard, on the street), but also a pet. The reasons for this behavior of the animal is a separate topic, more related to issues from the field of psychology. We will deal with the medical aspects of the problem - what to do if you are bitten by a dog and how to provide first aid. AleksandrPrivet, I ... Read more »
First aid for bleeding or injury - everything you need to know and do in this situation
Cases of injuries associated with injuries and violations of the skin are not uncommon both in hunting or fishing, and in everyday life. Therefore, each of us is simply obliged to have at least some knowledge about the rules for providing first, elementary medical / aid to the victim. We will figure out what needs to be done immediately and how to provide first aid for wounds and bleeding. Alexander Hi, I'm Alexander, the mastermind behind the blog. Your life in... Read more »