In this article I would like to talk about how to assemble your own survival kit. We will consider only the very basic necessities, without which in no case should you go on a long hike. Also, such a kit will come in handy, even if you do not plan long trips to nature - situations are different, wherever you go - to the forest, to the mountains or going rafting, it is extremely risky to go without a survival kit
Beginners always have questions about what to take with them on a hike and what not, many people take a lot of extra and completely unnecessary things with them, but if the hike is on foot, you need to carry it all on yourself. Recently, light-moving tourism has been gaining popularity, the whole point of which is just to take as few things as possible with you, light-walkers lighten their backpacks in every possible way, use modern universal equipment, the lightness of which lies in the uniqueness of the materials from which this equipment is made.
Therefore, the purpose of our article is to show what you really need to take with you on the road, and what is better to leave at home.
Survival kit - only the essentials
There are compact kits for hikers and survivalists . Such ready-made sets, as a rule, are small in size and save time when choosing the necessary elements. However, sometimes not all the components of a set may be useful for your specific purpose. And in terms of quality, for example, knives, you will have to make some compromise.
If you still decide to approach the collections thoroughly, choosing each element separately, then we will consider the most important categories of essentials for a hiker and survivalist.
1. Means for kindling a fire - matches, lighter, flint, dry fuel
This is what you will make a fire with. It is better to use not ordinary, but hunting matches, and it is even better to have a flint and steel with you, with it you will always be able to make a fire in any weather. Read about .
2. Knife - there is nothing to do without it on a hike
With the help of a knife, you will do many useful things - open canned food, with it you can cut something somewhere, butcher a dead animal, and you can’t do without it when cooking dinner. Which knife to choose is up to you, the main thing is that it be comfortable, sharp enough and reliable. Of course, it would be nice to have a good hunting knife made of good steel - Damascus or damask, but from experience I will say that a knife with a hardness of 50 HRC on the hardness scale is perfect . In principle, now you can buy an excellent knife within 1000 rubles, or, at worst, take at least an ordinary kitchen knife.
3. Kitchen utensils
You can't go on a trip without it. This is a bowler hat , mug, bowl and spoons. An aluminum pot and an aluminum mug are perfect.
The volume of the pot depends on the number of people going on a hike. It is advisable to have two pots - one for cooking, the second for boiling water. A pot made of aluminum is good because it does not weigh so much and water boils faster in it. There are kettles with a copper bottom, in which food is cooked even faster. Many survivalists get by with one army bowler hat.
4. First aid kit
You can't go on a hike without medication. Few things can happen. You can get injured, you can catch a cold, you can be attacked by a wild animal. Therefore, the first aid kit must be collected. You can read more about how to assemble a camping first aid kit here .
The first aid kit must include:
- 1. Sterile and non-sterile bandage, tourniquet
- 2. Iodine and green
- 3. Plaster bactericidal
- 4. Painkillers, antipyretics - analgin, baralgin, ketarol, aspirin and citramon
- 5. Hydrogen peroxide
- 6. Albucid or sofradex
- 7. Validol and ammonia
- 8. Antiallergic drugs - suprastin and fenkarol
- 9. Antispasmodics - no-shpa and teonikol
- 10. Scissors
- 11. Ethyl alcohol
- 12. Sterile wipes
- 13. Furacilin tablets
- 14. Ointment for burns
- 15. Activated carbon
- 16. Cough remedy - bromhexine.
In principle, such a set of medicines is more than sufficient, you can replenish it with medicines that are needed and necessary for you.
5. Spare clothes
If you are going on a long hike (more than two days), then you need to take care of a second set of clothes. Be sure to have a hat, warm jacket, pants and other warm clothes. Because the night is colder than the day. Also take 2-3 pairs of thin socks and 1-2 pairs of warm ones.
6. Basic things
These include a backpack , sleeping bag, carimat (foam), seat, tent, raincoat. The nature of the trip depends on what you will take with you from these accessories. Many go camping without a tent and a sleeping bag, this is all for convenience. But you will need a backpack for sure, in it you will put everything that you take with you on a hike. A tent doesn't hurt either, for how to choose a tent, see here . Carimat is also useful, because sleeping on bare ground is not very pleasant.
7. Gadgets. Phone, navigator, camera
We live in the age of modern technology, so almost everyone takes all sorts of electronic things with them on a hike. It is foolish to refuse them, so I will tell you what you need to take with you. You need to have one or two spare batteries with your phone, or a portable charger with a few extra charges, because when your phone dies, it will become useless. Also a fotik, or a spare battery, or a charger.
A means of communication in the forest will not hurt you for sure, it will especially help out when you understand. that got lost. It's good if you have a navigator, but it's better to have a good smartphone with a navigator already installed. Navigation is generally an important thing on a long trip, it helps a lot to navigate. You will also need a flashlight and spare batteries.
8. Any additional equipment
Selected depending on what you will be doing on the trip. It can be fishing tackle, rope, climbing equipment, diving equipment.
You can also watch a video on the topic “Survival kit or what to take with you on a hike”, here you will see how to assemble a kit yourself or how to choose a ready-made one.
Hello, I am Alexander, the mastermind behind the blog.
In terms of career and free time, I connected my life with the forest. How else, when you live in Karelia! In this blog, I am responsible for the hunting, hiking and equipment sections. Welcome to my world!
this is a (good) kit for going into the forest, not a survival kit. Survival, as a rule, has to be spontaneous, and not prepared in advance. A survival kit (kit) is the most necessary minimum (and each has its own, it depends and life experience), which is almost always with you. I can understand a professional hiker, but who is a professional SURVIVAL?
This is the one who specially goes to the forest for a week or a month with one knife
especially “I was pleased with the kitchen set for long stops”, is it possible that someone will drag this garbage on a hump?
mostly camping photos, what do they have to do with the title of the article?
An emergency backpack in case of war should be assembled and kept at home ready all the time, with documents, money and keys, a bottle of drinking water and the necessary products for 2-3 days. Such is the selyavi. Remember the former republics of the Soviet Union, which swept the war: Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Ukraine - not enough?!