In winter thermal underwear is necessary, regardless of the purpose of going out into nature. After all, in order to start fishing, a fisherman has to first get to the place, choose a suitable site, and then also work with a drill. Only after that you can get comfortable and wait for the bite. As for hunters, they definitely cannot do without thermal underwear, because sometimes they have to wait for prey for hours.
Some people are convinced that ordinary insulated T-shirts or universal thermal underwear for everyday use will keep you warm while fishing or hunting. However, do not forget that often after a long “settlement” the shooter experiences physical exertion, which means that optimal thermal underwear should not only warm the hunter, but also prevent him from sweating.
Here it becomes clear to us that the requirements for specialized thermal underwear are quite high and in order to do our favorite hobby with comfort, we need the best set of modern fabrics designed specifically for activities of varying intensity.
What is special about thermal underwear for hunting or fishing?
So, you have decided not to buy a universal set of thermal underwear and approach the choice of thermal underwear consciously, taking into account its further use. It is worth noting here that there are many offers on the market that target a specific group of consumers: only for hunters, only for fishermen, or for sports. Do not fall for such a pseudo classification, because it was invented solely for the convenience of promoting a particular product. Any such advice should be taken solely as recommendations, and in order to successfully understand this sea of information, we will try to answer the most popular questions related to the choice of thermal underwear.
So, we already wrote about the general functions of thermal underwear or “base layer” in the article about the principles of “layering” in clothes. However, for our purposes, we need a kit that not only performs the basic functions of protection against moisture and overheating, but also has additional characteristics.
What are the additional characteristics of thermal underwear that a hunter or fisherman should pay attention to? There are several, but the most important are the following:
- Increased wear resistance. This is ensured by an optimal combination of properties such as elasticity and strength of the material.
- Light texture. Thermal underwear for hunting and fishing does not constrain a person's movements and does not create discomfort during prolonged wear.
- Ensuring reliable hydro and thermal protection. Even when the fisherman sweats, the thermal underwear wicks moisture away from the skin, leaving the body dry and warm.
- Ease of care. When going fishing or hunting for a few days, this is an important factor.
- The special composition of the fabric and its cut, a minimum of seams.
As you can see from the list of desired characteristics, the main focus when choosing thermal underwear should be on the type of fabric.
What fabrics are included in thermal underwear?
Despite the positive connotation of the concept of “natural fabrics” and the disdain for “all synthetics”, in the case of clothing for active pastime, it is synthetic impurities that provide such characteristics as wear resistance and moisture wicking*.
So, the main types of fabric used in the production of thermal underwear sets:
- Cotton
- Nylon (Synthetic polyamide)
- Polyester
- Merino wool
A set of thermal underwear, as a rule, includes several types of fabric at once. To better understand the composition of the kit, it will be useful to know about the individual properties of each material.
Thermal underwear for hunting or fishing: the optimal composition of the fabric
Having learned the properties of various fabrics, we can confidently make a choice in favor of a suitable set. However, we still have to decide on priorities, because the most common kits made of synthetics, cotton or wool have their adherents and opponents.
Plus - effective removal of moisture from the body of the fisherman (hunter). Minus - it does not retain heat well (as they say, it “colds”).
Synthetic kit - most suitable for "active" fishing or running hunting. In this case, physical activity allows you to warm the body, and thermal underwear performs the function of only an additional insulation. Its main purpose is to remove sweat from the skin.Cotton, wool
Plus - low thermal conductivity. That is, they are excellent thermal insulators. Cotton kit is also suitable for people with allergies to synthetics. Minus - increased absorption of moisture, which leads to weighting of thermal underwear. In addition, it will take a long time to dry, which will create additional problems during a multi-day trip to nature.
Cotton or wool - it is better to choose such thermal underwear for "passive" methods of hunting (from ambush) and fishing (winter). Or as a set for the base layer, if synthetics are worn on top.The main thing is that the suit sits: we select the size of thermal underwear
For long trips to nature, it is advisable to take a spare set of linen with you. Where to change clothes, how to dry the removed clothes, you can always think of. One, lighter, is put on right away, while still at home. It is convenient to move along the route, look for a place to drill holes, and so on. But the set of thermal underwear is replaceable - for relaxation, it should be “more serious” and not allow a person to freeze when activity decreases.
Nowadays, more and more purchases are made online and it is likely that you will not get your size when buying thermal underwear. Here you should play it safe and first try on a similar model from the same manufacturer or order a couple of sizes “for trying on”. After all, the peculiarity of such equipment for a fisherman and a hunter is that it is as effective as possible only if it is matched exactly according to height and build. Believe me, scrupulousness in the approach to choosing the size of thermal underwear will pay off in full, because even the most expensive set does not fulfill its functions if it “hangs”, “presses” or rubs.
To get an idea of the sizes, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the table of the most common sizes in international and European formats.
Choosing a good thermal underwear is a rather complicated procedure that requires a professional approach. It is useless to evaluate all its pluses or minuses just like that, “by eye”. That is why many trust manufacturers with a reputation. In this case, the probability of running into a product of dubious quality or not corresponding to the declared characteristics is minimal. Of course, a set of thermal underwear from a popular manufacturer will be more expensive, but excessive savings in this matter will remind you of yourself when you are far from home, and there is nowhere to change or re-equip.
To learn how to choose the right shoes for hunting and fishing, read here .
Popular manufacturers of thermal underwear
The range of thermal underwear is very wide, and often, in stores there are not only sets, but also individual items of equipment. Therefore, the choice can be made for every taste and season. Including, and for various types of outdoor activities, taking into account the specifics of hunting or fishing.
When choosing individual elements or a set, it is advisable to purchase combined fabric options. Thermal underwear made of only one material has limited use. Since fishing and hunting are carried out by the same person in different ways (from ambush, across the fields, and so on), it is advisable to choose universal products, the fabric of which is made from natural fibers combined with synthetic ones.
Here is a small list of popular brands in our circle with examples of prices per set (in rubles, by region: Moscow)
- "Norveg" (5 480) - these products from Germany are considered universal in use;
- "Norfin Nord" (3 580) - fleece thermal underwear, just right for winter running hunting;
- "Janus" (5800) - natural fabric, well suited for use in the fall;
- "Craft Active" (2 260) - artificial fabric, but provides good insulation. It is advisable to choose for hunting from ambush or ice fishing;
- "Nova Tour" (set - from 2,890). This is a whole line of products in the thermal underwear category from a Russian manufacturer. This includes sets of products worn on the naked body (the same T-shirts + underpants), various costumes.
Merino wool set from Norveg
This list of manufacturers is compiled as an example, based on the reviews of hunters and fishermen. It is easy to get acquainted with them by going to any of the thematic forums. In fact, the list of manufacturers of thermal underwear is much wider.
On a note!
Not every thermal underwear is suitable for hunting or fishing. This should not be forgotten when going to the store for a purchase. When choosing thermal underwear, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the body of a particular fisherman or hunter. First of all, his reaction to external stimuli. Do not forget about allergies to various types of fabrics, because thermal underwear is worn on a naked body. This means that the same set will be comfortable for one person and inconvenient for another.
Good luck in your business!
Hello, I am Alexander, the mastermind behind the blog.
In terms of career and free time, I connected my life with the forest. How else, when you live in Karelia! In this blog, I am responsible for the hunting, hiking and equipment sections. Welcome to my world!