How to make stuffed black grouse for hunting with your own hands: scheme and material of manufacture

Black grouse hunting has undergone significant changes. This is due to a decrease in the bird population, a change in its behavior - it has become much more cautious and shy. The best option is to make stuffed black grouse for hunting with your own hands. They must attract potential prey.

Drawings and material for making scarecrows

This method has been used for a long time. Black grouse are flocking birds and the presence of 4-6 individuals in an open space is for them a signaling device for the safety of this place. They approach the group and sit down near it. This allows the hunter to get 2-3 birds.

Before making a stuffed black grouse, you should consider the following points:

  • Material. It is recommended to use dense matter, but without special impregnation. The smell of chemicals or rubber should not scare away the bird.
  • As a drawing, you can take the classic model of G.K. Geschel. The pattern of the body of the stuffed animal is made on paper measuring 32 * 40 cm, tail: 20-24 cm.
  • Coloring can be done with any paint, preferably waterproof.
  • Quantity. The best option is 4 roosters and 2 hens.

The drawing is made independently, on any paper. For ease of use, a sheet with a linear marking of 2 or 5 mm is recommended.

After that, you can get to work. It is important to prepare the place - it should be well lit, you can sew parts with a simple needle or use a sewing machine.

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How to make a scarecrow with your own hands

Having cut out the patterns of the torso and tail, the components are stitched together. The latter is bent along the midline, the coincidence of the boundaries with each other is checked. This will avoid further distortions. You also need to combine the two halves of the blank of the torso of the stuffed black grouse.

The order of further actions:

  1. The blanks are sewn on the wrong side. This is necessary so that the seams are inside the stuffed animal.
  2. After manufacturing, they are turned inside out, the integrity of the seams is checked.
  3. Stuffing material. The tail is recommended to be filled with cotton or cotton, the main body - straw or similar natural material.
  4. Painting. Be sure to highlight the characteristic red spots at the neck, make the color of the beak and tail.
  5. For convenience, a square or rectangular wooden base plate is installed in the lower part. A small loop on the back will also help secure the stuffed grouse.

Hunting features

Making bait is just the beginning of black grouse fishing. It is important to choose the right place for future hunting and arrange the stuffed animals so that the black grouse decide that this is their full-fledged gathering. The season opens in early autumn and can last all winter. The best time is mid-October, when the leaves finally fall off the trees .

The best place to hunt - between the swamp, where the birds sleep, and the forest. Effigies are placed on high perches, up to 4 m high. This should be done in the evening, having previously installed a hut. If there are black grouse nearby, they should be carefully driven away. It's best to do this one at a time. Then you need to wait for the morning. Only then can the hunt begin.

Alternative option - do the above actions at the edge of the forest. But it will be worse, as bushes and trees will interfere with a normal view. An ambush near the swamp itself is also ineffective. Birds will return to roost late in the evening, twilight will not be favorable for aimed shooting.

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