How to store worms for fishing at home, how to feed them and how to grow them

Among the variety of baits for fishing, worms remain a universal option. Predatory and peaceful species of fish bite well on them, they are unpretentious in storage, and the variety of species allows you to choose the best option. Avid anglers are engaged in breeding worms for fishing on their own, amateurs prefer to accumulate the right amount for a single catch.

Types of worms for fishing

This natural bait of natural origin has several advantages - easy to find, the ability to quickly put on the hook. Appearance, behavior and size depend on the species - crawling out, for example, is characterized by medium dimensions, often found not only in the ground, but also on a hard surface after rain.

All types are suitable for fishing, but the following showed the most productive results:

  • Large earth or creep. Belongs to the category of large ringed, the maximum size is up to 25 cm with a thickness of up to 9 mm. An earthworm is active when pressure changes, precipitation occurs. The crawl out may not appear completely on the surface; when the soil oscillates, it hides back. It does not live long in the heat; it is required to store crawls in moist soil. On the hook show long-term activity.
  • Dung. Habitat - accumulations of organic matter, manure. The best place where you can dig up worms for fishing relatively quickly is the territory of farms, old sheaves of hay, straw. The sizes are smaller than the species described above, it prefers to form colonies, which is convenient for quickly collecting bait. Features - the presence of a specific smell, you need to store dung worms in moist soil in an airtight container. They have high mobility.
  • For the Australian earthworm, special living conditions must be created. In the middle latitudes of Russia, they are not found, they breed only in artificial conditions. Subject to the breeding rules, they quickly gain the desired length and weight, can be kept in an airtight container for a long time without reducing activity.
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More often they choose creeps - worms are found in any soil, they are easy to dig up. They are quickly bred at home. There is also an alternative - silicone worms. Unlike live ones, they can be used repeatedly, no special storage conditions need to be created. Artificial worms are sold in specialized stores, or are made independently. It is recommended to buy factory-made silicone worms, as they are much more durable than homemade ones, and have a specific aroma.

Growing basics

Before you breed worms at home, you should decide on their type. The least whimsical is a breed of creeps for fishing. Standard soil is suitable for them, you just need to add a little organic fertilizer and bait. To make a box for worms with your own hands, you can take a factory model of a vermicomposter as a basis.

This is a box made of plastic, in the walls of which there are holes for draining condensate. The second container is made of a similar shape, but large in size. The inner box is inserted into it at a slight angle to drain the water.

How to breed worms at home:

  • The soil. The recommended composition is humus and crushed cellulose (cardboard, thick paper). The ratio is 1:1. Humidity - up to 80%.
  • microclimate in the room. The temperature should vary from +17°C to +20°C. Lighting is not intense, about 60 W per 20 m². The ventilation flow speed does not exceed 0.5 m/s.
  • The breeding stock. The optimal number of individuals is up to 1500 pcs. For breeding 1-2 families, 1 m³ of soil is needed.
  • Proper preparation of worms for colonization. Small indentations are made in the soil in which the worms fit. Then the pits are filled up, the upper part of the box is closed. After 2-3 days, you can add bait.
  • How to feed earthworms at home. As bait, you can use rotten plants, cabbage leaves, bread. To stimulate growth, a small amount of coffee pomace is added.
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Feeding with synthetic fertilizer is strictly prohibited. Also, worms will not reproduce properly when using chlorinated water. It is recommended to install rainwater collection tanks.

Where and how can you collect

The advantage of this type of bait is the variety of places of extraction. Traditionally, worms are dug up in the garden, but due to the relatively low density of habitat, this will take a long time. An alternative is a short trip to the forest or to the nearest farm. You need to choose places where the soil is fertilized with organic matter.

These tips will help optimize baiting time:

  • The time is early morning. Increased soil moisture provokes worms to rise closer to the surface.
  • Creating vibration. Small fluctuations in the soil give a signal - a mole may be nearby. This is also the cause of uplift into the upper layers of the soil.
  • Collection and storage of worms in a sealed jar. Wet soil is poured into it first.
Ways to create ground vibrations are to stick a wooden stick into the ground and rotate it, or to put a metal sheet and lightly tap on its surface. After 3-5 minutes, the first specimens will appear from the ground.

Storage methods

In addition to breeding rules, you need to know how to save worms for fishing. If the time of extraction and the beginning of fishing is less than 1 day, the bait can be placed in a cloth bag, having previously covered it with fertilized soil. But for long-term storage, this method is not suitable, as the soil will dry out quickly.

For keeping for several days, a box with ventilation holes is prepared. A room with room humidity, temperature, but with minimal lighting is selected. Since you can store worms anywhere in the house or apartment, it is recommended to stay in the pantry or other utility rooms.

Recommendations on how to properly prepare worms for fishing:

  • transfer them to a warm place for a day to increase activity;
  • add anise or other flavoring to the soil to give an attractive smell;
  • an hour before fishing, transfer to dry sawdust - it's easier to get the bait.
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You need to put it on the hook carefully, the maximum number of punctures is up to 3. Otherwise, the activity of the bait will decrease.

For effective fishing, the behavior of worms should be as close to natural as possible. This is achieved by observing the rules of cultivation, extraction and storage.

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