Dedicated to experienced and novice fishermen: Where? How? Whom? For what? Equipment disassembly, useful tips and information about mining behavior. You will find all this in this section.
During the production of sugar, a by-product is formed - sugar syrup. It is less sweet than its culinary counterpart or syrup. For fishing…
Pike perch is a predatory fish known for aggressive behavior and natural caution. It lives in rivers, lakes, and there is also a marine species. Catching…
Fishing for predatory fish is different from catching civilians. Catching pike on…
Feeder fishing is different from classic fishing. Success depends on the right equipment. We have already written about the features of choosing feeder hooks.…
Among the variety of baits for fishing, worms remain a universal option. Predatory and peaceful species of fish bite well on them, they are unpretentious ...
Many methods are used to harvest predatory fish. They differ in equipment, throwing technology and bait. A special place is occupied by jig fishing, allocated ...
The right kind of fishing equipment is the key to successful fishing. In addition to the fishing rod and feeder, you need the best fishing hooks. The defining parameters are...
Lures of natural origin from cereals attract many types of fish. Experienced fishermen prefer to cook mastyrka - a dense dough that practically does not get wet ...
Feeder bottom fishing is a simple but effective fishing technique. Advantage - the possibility of continuous improvement, at the initial stages of development is not needed ...
For bream fishing, you can use standard hook models. But experienced anglers are advised to take into account the size of the fish, seasonality and characteristics of the reservoir. Hooks…
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