The widespread use of thermal imagers in hunting has provoked a sharp increase in demand for them. However, the cost of professional equipment can reach $10,000, which…
For walking in deep snow in a forest or open area, special devices are used - snowshoes. They do not give the foot ...
The issue of effective self-defense has always been relevant for Russia. Good physical shape and skills will not always help to protect yourself in critical situations.…
Special requirements are imposed on equipment for winter fishing. It should not change its properties under the influence of low temperatures, moisture and ...
If you look at the available reviews of fishermen about PVC boats, then the general conclusion is that it is an excellent swimming facility, but in terms of functionality, ...
If you ask those who already have air pistols what they are needed for, then there are few answers - for classes ...
First of all, it should be clarified why many are attracted to just such a weapon. The answer is simple - a powerful 4.5 mm air rifle can ...
Those who are just joining this type of outdoor activity or sport (that’s how anyone cares), focus on the issue of acquiring ...
Gas cartridges are the simplest and most affordable means of self-defense. And if you consider that they are much more compact (unlike gas ...
The expediency of using this technical tool in the process of game fishing is often questioned. And many hunters from the category of beginners do not ...
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