The main types of fires and how to make them - photo and video

Not everyone has the experience of making a fire, but sometimes there comes a point in life when it is necessary. Perhaps you are just...

53 years ago

How to choose a good tent for camping and recreation - all types, tips and videos

Drawn to a hike? Did you find free time for yourself and decided to get out into nature? You've already got everything you need...

53 years ago

Carbine Vepr 205-04 - video reviews of the owners

If you are an avid hunter, you probably already have a great rifle, and maybe even several. And surely you are well...

53 years ago

Vepr-308 super carbine chambered for 7.62x51 - video review

Especially for fans of the Vepr-308 carbine, we have prepared this wonderful selection of videos. Another novelty is very interesting - the Vepr 308 Super carbine.…

53 years ago

Carbine Tiger 7.62x54 - video, reviews and tests

Here I have compiled for you a selection of videos on the hunting carbine Tiger 7.62 x54. You will see the reviews of the owners of this rifle, made ...

53 years ago

Knife Rat - video review of the knife and tests

Recently, among lovers of folding knives, a rat knife has become very popular. It usually refers to the Ontario RAT 1 knife, the word ...

53 years ago

Plastunsky Cossack knife - video reviews and tests

If you are thinking about purchasing a real Plastun Cossack knife, you will be interested in watching this video selection. Here you can see the video...

53 years ago

Video tutorials on survival for beginners

If you are interested in the topic of survival, this collection of video tutorials will surely be useful to you. How to survive in the forest if you get lost, ...

53 years ago

Sharpening knives at home - video

How to sharpen a knife at home with your own hands? Any knives tend to become dull, over time they begin to cut worse ...

53 years ago

Sharpening ice drill knives - video lesson

Every fan of winter fishing knows that the better the blades of the ice drill are sharpened, the easier and faster the hole is drilled.…

53 years ago

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